Las Vegas Autopsy Service
Reasons Why Families Seek Private Autopsy
Las Vegas’ leading autopsy service with over 25 years of experience and over 10,000 cases performed to date. As trusted forensic pathology experts, we perform autopsies, medical examinations, and provide expert witness testimony on forensic matters.
Private Autopsy
Request a private autopsy to be conducted independently of any agency or medical facility for your peace of mind.
Forensic Consulting
When you need an expert forensic pathologist and medical examiner’s professional opinion.
Secondary Autopsies
It is quite common for families to request a secondary autopsy from a private forensic pathologist for a second opinion.
When You Need a Private Autopsy
There are many reasons why families of a deceased loved one will seek a private autopsy. In some cases, there is simply a need for closure, where the cause of death is confirmed and any possible hereditary diseases are discovered and discussed, assisting living family members with early diagnosis, and allowing the family to have peace of mind. In other cases, there may be questions or concerns about the quality of care that the deceased individual received prior to death, and whether or not medical malpractice or other errors contributed to the outcome. In still other cases, a private autopsy service is sought out for a second opinion, or a secondary autopsy. This occurs when there are concerns about the first autopsy, or if new information in a case involving the deceased individual has been discovered since the previous autopsy was completed.
Whatever the reasoning is for pursuing an autopsy of a deceased loved one, a private autopsy service allows several solutions for answers and resolution. Private autopsies are performed by professionals in the field, who have an extensive set of skills and knowledge pertaining to human anatomy, and often the forensics surrounding injuries and causes of death as well. Private autopsies offer family members the opportunity to know with certainty the exact cause of death, and whether there is someone or something liable for it, all with the reassurance that their loved one is being treated with the utmost care and respect.
At Las Vegas Private Autopsy, we understand that a tremendous amount of uncertainty often surrounds deaths. It is our intention to provide you with all of the answers that you seek, while not sacrificing any quality of service. If you are a family member, or an attorney or law enforcement agent, and you are seeking a private autopsy service, contact our team of experienced professionals and see how we can assist you today.
Las Vegas Autopsy Services
At Las Vegas Autopsy Services, we provide expert forensic and medical examination services including private autopsies, forensic consulting, and expert witness testimony.
Autopsy Examinations
Autopsy Examinations
Evaluation of
Nonfatal Injuries
Forensic Consultant for Workplace Injuries
Medical Record
Review Services
Malpractice/Wrongful Death Investigation
Expert Witness
The death of a loved one is the most stressful event that you will endure. The decision to have an autopsy can only be made once. It is important to know what your loved one died from, the exact cause, and only an autopsy will answer those questions.
- Is there a disease process that could potentially affect you or other family members?
- Knowing that diagnosis and treatment were appropriate is comforting to loved ones.
- Are there questions in settling insurance claims and in assigning death benefits?
- Finding a specific cause of death may ease the stress of the unknown and facilitate healing.
An autopsy may determine the state of health of your loved one prior to his/her death and whether any medical treatment, procedure, or lack thereof, resulted in or contributed to his/her death. If a loved one dies during a medical procedure, an autopsy is often the only definitive way to prove what happened and support a claim of medical malpractice. Similarly, if your loved one dies after a procedure, an autopsy may determine that the procedure or after care contributed to their death. Sometimes things go wrong. It is important to know how and why. These and many more questions can only be answered with an autopsy.
Many times, a loved one dies suddenly and unexpectedly. In this case, it is often difficult for the family to understand. Based on a review of the circumstances, the coroner’s office will determine whether there was foul play or unnatural causes, but you still are left with questions as to what happened. The autopsy can answer the how and why your loved one died.
Although many advancements have been made in diagnosing disease and disease processes, the autopsy remains the gold standard in determining the actual cause of death. For example, Alzheimer’s dementia may be suspected or even diagnosed, but only an autopsy can confirm whether it was indeed Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia. Similarly, heart disease can run in families and might not be known or diagnosed at the time of death. An autopsy can, and often does, reveal many unknown medical issues that could help guide family members in their future health decisions.
Knowing the precise cause of death can impact insurance policies. Without an autopsy you do not know the true cause of death. For example, if your loved one is believed to have died from mesothelioma, an autopsy may be required for you to collect benefits. Similarly, veterans’ benefits, government programs, and class action lawsuits may need an autopsy to prove you are eligible to be included for benefits. Often, a death may be considered natural by the hospital or a coroner. A complete autopsy examination may reveal that the cause of death is in fact related to an accident, which may significantly impact your benefits. Some insurance companies will require an autopsies if the death benefit is extremely high.
Many of the autopsies are performed to provide a second opinion. If a loved one dies in the custody of law enforcement, or in a county hospital, a second autopsy can be performed to confirm the results. Although, autopsies performed by the county coroner are very complete and are independent from any hospital or law enforcement agencies, many families prefer to have a second opinion.
Las Vegas Autopsy Service are the leading forensic experts.
we have over 25 years of forensic pathology and medical experience.
10,061+ medical examination Cases
4,500+ Autopsy Cases
465+ homicides, including 12 fbi investigations
11,830+ County Medical and Forensic Cases
Generally, the legal next of kin must authorize an autopsy. Absent a legal document otherwise granting authority for an autopsy, the legal next of kin is determined by Nevada Revised Statute 451.024, which provides:
NRS 451.024 Persons authorized to order burial or cremation; order of priority of such persons; acceptance of legal and financial responsibility does not give rise to claim against estate or other person; transfer of authority to another person; unavailability of authorized person.
1. The following persons, in the following order of priority, may order the burial or cremation of human remains of a deceased person:
(a) A person designated as the person with authority to order the burial or cremation of the human remains of the decedent in a legally valid document or in an affidavit executed in accordance with subsection 9;
(b) If the decedent was, at the time of death, on active duty as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, a reserve component thereof or the National Guard, a person designated by the decedent in the United States Department of Defense Record of Emergency Data, DD Form 93, or its successor form, as the person authorized to direct disposition of the human remains of the decedent;
(c) The spouse of the decedent;
(d) An adult son or daughter of the decedent;
(e) Either parent of the decedent;
(f) An adult brother or sister of the decedent;
(g) A grandparent of the decedent;
(h) A guardian of the person of the decedent at the time of death; and
(i) A person who meets the requirements of subsection 2.
2. Any other person may order the burial or cremation of the human remains of the decedent if the person:
(a) Is at least 18 years of age; and
(b) Executes an affidavit affirming:
(1) That he or she knew the decedent;
(2) The length of time that he or she knew the decedent;
(3) That he or she does not know the whereabouts of any of the persons specified in paragraphs (a) to (h), inclusive, of subsection 1; and
(4) That he or she willingly accepts legal and financial responsibility for the burial or cremation of the human remains of the decedent.